Holistic Business Architect and Energy Healer
Creating thriving business ecosystems with Limitless potential by combining energy and strategy.
For expert service providers who want to upgrade their business towards ease and 6-7 figures .

Business architect and mentor
Creating unimaginable growth by combining energetic, therapeutic and strategic approach.
For expert service providers who want to upgrade their business and break that annoying glass ceiling and find their unique definition of SUCESS.
Grow your business without hustle and stress.
Go towards creating your entire business around your life priorities. There´s no need to sacrifice anything, or create something so complex and heavy, that you only want to run from it all and live on an isolated island.
Together we will uplevel your business to an ECOSYSTEM, that will support you and give you FREEDOM and EASE.
Discover your Success Matrix Archetype to upgrade your business strategy to gain limitless growth and harmonic life!
You can take my quiz to find out the perfect approach to reaching your unique goals and desires.
I see you, because I went through the same path.
that holds her entire business together with this BIG VISION to change the world
who lived through all the experiences, healed and now helps her clients
who created it all during long nights, when the kids were sleeping
who went through burnout or was close to it and knows, that better no business than a business with a such horrible outcome
that did it not only for herself (even if for me, it will be a priority to put you on that pedestal), but for her family, community, and all the girls dreaming about creating the lives of their dreams
I could go on and on...
but you get the point.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit dolor
John Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit dolor
John Doe
You are your business and we want to have it all built in such a way that you will love every second of it. Stop wasting time or money on stuff that is “said to be necessary” but in reality just sucks all of your happiness and ease into a big black whole.
Forget about one type of strategy. You are unique and your business needs to show it. Only in this way can we create growth outside of what we think is possible.
Your glass ceiling that feels like you are not growing financially or you lack time or energy will break.
6 month 1-1
Let´s create an amazing shift in your business, that upgrade to lightness and ease that gives you the time, space and money, to finally enjoy life to its fullest.
8 mentoring sessions
(aprox. 60-120min) - Whatapp support thoughout the entire time - an amazing way to have me by your side and the support you need on the daily basis.
9 000 eur
1 month Intensive Whatsapp support
If the goal is to create big change in a short time of period, this is the way. We set a clear intention and I will keep you in it.
- 2 hour starting session to set clear plan and strategy of the shift
- 4 weeks of Whatsapp support during work days
- 30 min call at the end of our month together to do the last fine touches and evaluate the change, that we started
1800 eur
VIP day
For a swift shift in your business towards ease. We will go deep and in the same time we will have plenty of time to brain storm and let everything settle down during the weeks after the VIP day.
- 4-5 hours of mentoring in one day, divided into 2 parts
- 4 weeks of Whatsapp support during work days
- 60 min session aprox 30 days after our VIP day to evaluate and do some last finishing touches.
2000 eur
Here are some random,
but lovingly chosen parts of me.
I´m a mum of two little children and to tell you the big deep truth – everything I create in my business, relationships, and life, is for them and thanks to them.
I´m a really crazy bookworm, so 3-4 books per month are my average . I don’t care in what language I read, but I love all fantasies (Pratchett and Harry Potter are the best! ), sci-fi, and erotic novels.
My husband and I will be celebrating our 19th anniversary in 2 months and we still want to be every waking minute together. We work together from home, and we now have different businesses, but we help each other out as much as we can.
If I can´t swim at least once a week, I´m really, really grumpy.
I can´t survive in hot weather, I just feel like I´m dying. But now, during the Autumn and Winter, I blossom.
During my 36 years, I lived in Russia, the Czech Republic, Italy, and France for longer periods. But if you ask me, where is my homeland, what is my place, I will tell you – Europe.
I work 3 days a week. How can I make it all happen? I just do and my clients do too.
In these last 9 years in business, I´ve built several companies, and I not only loved them all, but I also learned a lot from them. And what I created? A community center, Montessori preschool, Language school, Toy shop, Marketing agency, and a Platform for female entrepreneurs.
For 4 years
I am a mentor and business architect.
I combine energy and strategy work because I truly believe, one doesn´t work without the other.
As a former FB ads specialist – never expect me to say – we will build you an organic growth business. I just don´t believe in the hustle and will always choose the way of more ease for you.
My whole life I struggle – with anxiety and panic attacks. If you would tell me, all these points above maybe even 15 years back from now, I would say to you your crazy. Because every day, every second of my life I was feeling this monstrous fear…but I never let it define me. I never felt strong, but I know I am.
If you tell me, something can´t be done – I will do it. I will play with it and find a way. That´s why I love so much what I do – I create and build businesses around the lives of my clients and around my life too because we can. Because we deserve to have it all.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit dolor
John Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit dolor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Business architect and mentor
Creating unimaginable growth by combining energetic, therapeutic, and strategic APPROACHES.
For expert service providers who want to upgrade their business, break that glass ceiling, and find their unique definition of SUCCESS.